Our Services

Most people are not aware of what a financial plan is, or what areas it should cover.  In our plans we provide the following solutions & services:

  • Protecting your family through insurance
  • Managing your investments
  • Creating a retirement plan
  • Cash flow management & reaching life goals
  • Tax Planning
  • Estate planning

The recommendations in your plan are based on our evaluation of your current financial situation and the financial goals that together we have identified. Your plan will help you understand your current financial situation more clearly and provide direction to help you achieve your goals.


We regularly provide analysis and advice in these areas:

  • Determining your ideal Life Insurance fit
  • Personal disability insurance coverage
  • Secondary opinions on existing Insurance & Investment recommendations
  • Funding education costs
  • RRSP or TFSA contributions, which are more appropriate
  • Pension Plan review and analysis
  • Benefits of Segregated Funds
  • Group Health Benefit Options
  • Where to invest excess retained earnings
  • Salary/Dividend planning to remove excess cash in a tax-efficient manner
  • Use of a holding company for tax-free removal of cash and protection of cash from creditors
  • Re-organizing corporate structures to maximize tax savings
  • Maximize wealth left to heirs
  • Protecting family assets in emergency situations
  • Help fund post-secondary studies for children with tax-free dividends